Seo Expert in Bangladesh

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DevBD, Seo Company in Bangladesh, Google Compliant On-Page SEO & Off-Page Activities That Deliver True Results

Having successfully completed many projects, and we are confident that our SEO solutions work. Our clients expand their business online with confidence.

Below you can see some of the many essential tasks that are at the key of our SEO Strategy.

New Jersey SEO
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Website Audit & SEO Assessment

Our Website Auditor, analyze your website and find out the current situation of your website with different SEO tools, and also check various factors manually. To start up, we check 100+ SEO factors. Get a Free Website Audit Report from BD SEO.

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Detailed Backlink Audit

We will check your current backlink profile with Ahrefs, Semrush, MOZ tools. We will find out if any spammy link put a negative impact on your website and deal with it. As all know, Google penalized the site with a spammy backlink.


SEO Competitor Analysis

Our SEO competitor analysis checklist and analysis tools help us to find your website competitor. We then check why they are ranking and why your site is not. Like how your competitor builds backlink, how good is their content, For which keyword they are ranking, etc. Then we make some changes to your site so that you can rank on the Google first page.

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Business Profile Listings

Our local business support team will find the perfect local business directory for your website, and the local business listing is essential for a small business owner, it helps Google to find out your Business Citation and help rank in Google map fast.

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Content Creation & Marketing

If needed, we cerate High-quality, SEO optimized website content based on your keyword like articles, blogs, press releases, etc. That establishes Google rankings. We also check all your current content and fix them if needed to Rank Better in Search Engines.

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Infographics and videos give your content an engaging twist! Our graphic designer and video editor make perfect infographics for your content which help to bring more visitor and more conversions.

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Extensive Keyword Research

The most critical step in “SEO Strategy” is finding low, Competitive Keywords that bring targeted traffic to your site. We find those keywords and make your website rank on Google first page. This will help you to get more leads.

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Link-building Services

Besides your content, Links are THE most important SEO ranking factor. We make Authorative Backlink for your site. This step will help you to rank better. Quality backlink helps a website to rank for a competitive keyword.

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Community Management Services

We help you make a Buzz around your Brand in the relative platform and on an important platform to keep your target audience engaged.

Get The Perfect SEO Strategy For Your Business!

See Our SEO Process!

1Website Audit

With our Website Audit Checklist tools, we make an extensive analysis of your site performance. This audit is the foundation of your site SEO factor.
And its the most important step. You can get this Site Audit for free and can see your current site performance.

2Technical SEO

This is the most crucial step we take to make your site optimized for Google Search. Based on what we find from your Site Adult, we will fix all the factors that pull back your website for not ranking on the first page.

3Keyword Research Document

With the help of our SEO keyword research tool, Our Seo Experts will find the essential keyword terms relevant to your website, business, service, location, and audience. And we optimized your site for those keywords to rank better in Google Search and get more free traffic.

4Page Speed

As you know google announce that Page speed is a ranking factor, So we will analyze your site’s current page speed and try our best to reduce the page load time. No one likes a slow loading site, so Google puts this factor to rank a website.Learn More

5Content Creation

After you approved these suggested keyword-based topics, our content creator starts writing the article. This article will be Keyword Optimized and will be well researched based on your product, service, and industry. We also put a credible link and resource link in the content. We try our best to put LSI Keyword naturally.

6Content Plan

Our content management team creates content based on your brand, niche focusing your targeted keywords in mind. This content will be performing well as they will be created for your targeted audience and as well as for search engine.

7Promotional Content

Depend on your selected SEO Package here at BD Local SEO, you will receive Blog Posts, Articles, Press releases, Infographics, Video, and Social media posts.

8Biweekly Activity Sheets

In this report, you will get all the activity and decision we make for your business. Like your keyword research, analysis of competitor, content improvement suggestion, business profile listing, backlink creation, etc. and all the other strategies implement during this time.

9Monthly Ranking Sheets

In this report, you will find the progression of your site. All your targeted Keyword performance and ranking in Google search. The organic traffic on your website, conversation rate, bounce rate, etc. Also, we will put future recommendations.

Grow Your Business Online With Confidence!
Contact Seo Expert in Bangladesh

Why SEO is Important for Your Business

Why Do SEO? It’s Scalable & Data-Driven!

SEO stands for Search engine optimization. It means optimizing your website with such keywords that define your business.
And people are looking for those keywords in high numbers. This is the most straightforward definition of SEO.
The idea behind getting SEO optimization services on board is to ensure a strong foundation is established for a presentable website. This is done with the purpose of a good user experience, which makes sites very easy to handle for viewers.
The digital properties and brand visibility are of prime importance for carrying out SEO. Many elements go into establishing your identity for search engines like Google, Yahoo, Baidu, DuckDuckGo, Bingo.
Apart from the factors mentioned above, one can get authority over time as a result of elements such as:
1) Positive behavior by users
2) Quality profiles with proper backlinks
3) Machine-learning signals
4) Optimized on-page content along with on-page elements.

Seo Expert in Bangladesh


To establish a brand in Bangla as a leading search result in the digital world, one takes patience, effort as well as commitment.

But, it also relies on quality products as well as valuable services that users enjoy.

Good SEO ensures a much better User experience.

Since most sales work on online recommendations, getting organic ranking as well as most visibility can be beneficial. Yet, very few people realize that proper user experience is a significant part of getting there. Google has learned that unfavorable user experience is an essential element for the success of the website.

Customers know what they want in today’s day. If they are not able to find it, then there is going to be a problem. Performances suffer due to this, and there can be quite a fall in your sales and profits as well.


Local SEO means higher traffic, conversions, and increased engagement.

With the rise of growing mobile traffic and domination, local search is an integral part of all SMEs. Local SEO aims towards optimizing digital properties for a particular region. So that people can find you and when they look for the keywords. They focus on specific cities, areas, towns, as well as states.

This helps in establishing a medium for brand messaging on a more accessible level. SEO pros do this by optimizing the website of the brand and the content. There should also be quite a lot of emphasis on user reviews on Google, as well as most of the other review sites like Home Advisor, Angie’s List, and Yelp.


SEO Impacts the Buying Cycle.

Customers carry out their research before buying anything. That is one of the most significant advantages of the internet.

When one uses SEO tactics for relaying messaging and groundbreaking products, then the dependability will be a complete game-changer.

It is sure to impact the buying cycle when done in the right way. Brands must be made visible in places where reliable connections need to be made. Local SEO enhances this visibility and lets the potential consumers find the answers they are looking for.

SEO best practices are always up to date.

It is ideal to have SEO tactics implemented on the website of a brand across the digital properties. But, if it is a short term engagement; due to a budget constraint or something, then the site may not be re-evaluated. It will reach a certain threshold, wherein it can no longer be improved due to the problems ignored in the initial stage itself.

The way the search in this world evolves, and due to the discretion of Google, constant monitoring is also required.

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How long does it take for a page to rank in Google?

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Most sites managed to achieve that in approximately 61–182 days. By looking at this graph, you might think that, on average, it takes a page anywhere from 2–6 months to rank in Google’s Top10. But it all depends on your site On-page, Off-page SEO, and also the keyword you want to rank for. Competitive keyword takes a long time, and low, competitive keyword rank fast. But bear in mind this is when you start seeing results, and SEO results grow over time. Whatever results you’re getting at six months should be considerably less than what you’re getting at 12 months.

What is SEO and how it works?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. SEO is all about optimizing a website for search engines. SEO is a technique for:

  • designing and developing a website to rank well in search engine results.
  • Improving the volume and quality of traffic to a website from search engines.
  • Marketing by understanding how search algorithms work, and what human visitors might search.
  • Optimized your title and meta descriptions to get high CTR.

How does Search Engine work?

Search engines perform several activities to deliver search results.

  • Crawling – Process of fetching all the web pages linked to a website. A software performs this task, called a crawler or a spider (or Googlebot, in case of Google).
  • Indexing – Process of creating index for all the fetched web pages and keeping them into a giant database from where it can later be retrieved. , the process of indexing is identifying the words and expressions that best describe the page and assigning the page to particular keywords.
  • Processing – When a search request comes, the search engine processes it, i.e. it compares the search string in the search request with the indexed pages in the database.
  • Calculating Relevancy – More than one page likely contains the search string, so the search engine starts calculating the relevancy of each of the pages in its index to the search string.
  • Retrieving Results – The last step in search engine activities is retrieving the best-matched results. , it is nothing more than displaying them in the browser.

Search engines such as Google and Yahoo! often update their relevancy algorithm dozens of times per month. When you see changes in your rankings, it is due to an algorithmic shift or something else outside of your control.

How much should I expect to pay for SEO?

It’s a fundamental question every website owner should ask when they think of doing SEO. But here at NJ, we do not put a number from thin air. We allow our clients to choose their budget based on their goals and current situation. 


SEO pricing has to consider the following variables: Situation-Where are you currently? Objectives- Where do you want to be? Timeline- How fast do you want to improve?


SEO is for long term result, At the end of the day, return on investment (ROI) is what matters. If a lead costs you $20 from paid search, $15 from social ads and $5 from organic search, 

then organic is a valuable channel which offers the best return on investment. 

Can You Rank My Website #1 in Google?

No one can guarantee a specific ranking on search engines. If a company says “we will get you to the #1 spot on Google” or “we will get you on the first page of results”, stay away. Far, far away. It is impossible to deliver on such a promise. Google even says so. In order to avoid what author Colleen Jones calls “SEO snake-oil,” and be able to identify scams.


We follow what Google says and slowly make your site optimized for Search Engines. If you follow Google guidelines, you will rank in google first page in time. Doing bad SEO and try to rank your site can penalize your website permanently. Our SEO techniques are permanent and work for the long term.


Can You Rank Websites in Google Maps?

If your Business is Local, you must have a listing in Google My Business service. It’s connected with Google Map and work together to show your Business in Google Map.
If you still don’t list your Business, please contact us we will help you to setup. There are considerable opportunity and actions which can be taken inside Google My Business and your website.
If your Business is correct services and in, service areas, your Business will show up in Google Map after you verify. And if you do Local Business SEO properly, your site should rank on the first page. If you need help you can contact nj seo company.

Is Amp A Ranking Factor

Yes, kind of. Google rankings are based on a principle of best practices and industry standards. See what Google say about AMP.

Google Search indexes AMP pages to provide a fast, reliable web experience. When an AMP page is available, it can be featured on mobile search as part of rich results and carousels. While AMP itself isn’t a ranking factor, speed is a ranking factor for Google Search. Google Search applies the same standard to all pages, regardless of the technology used to build the page. For more information on the benefits of using AMP, see the AMP Project success stories.”


Grow Your Business With Confidence With


We will create long term SEO plane for your business, and that will bring more traffic, leads, and revenue in time.

We use White Hate SEO Strategy for all our clients by following the Google Webmaster Guidelines. This helps businesses to get permanent rank. For each individual client, we create different planes, depend on there Business profile.

We use some of the most helpful SEO tools for all SEO clients including Google Keyword Research Tool, Ahrefs, Moz, Google Search Console, Pingdom, Google Analytics and many others depending on the technical complexity of your website.

Leveraging Google first page in the Bangladesh area, there are more than 500,000 businesses competing for local attention.

If your business is one of them, the thought of achieving a local top spot in the center of fierce competition can be massive.

We leverage local SEO best practices to promote your company within a determined geographic area. As a result, your business is primed to compete with “the big guys.”

All of our SEO packages are flexible. You can select any package according to the marketing growth goals. We don’t have any hidden fees. Everything is easy and simple. Feel free to contact us, and After we do the free SEO Site Audit, we will recommend some package what best for your website. Then you can choose according to your need.

Our Bangladesh Seo professionals combine on-page, off-page, link building, and other SEO activities to achieve amazing results for your business.


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US Location

Nico Quintiens

Coventry Place, Clementon, NJ 08021, United States.

601 401-1650‬

UK Location

Tanvir Haider

71-75, Shelton Street, Covent Garden,

London, United Kingdom.


BD Location

Faruk Khan

249, Gulbagh, Baparepara, Agrabad

Chittagong, Bangladesh.‬
